MSBA Legislative Positions

MSBA Legislative Positions

MSBA legislative positions (updated July 2024) (view pdf)
Legislative positions remain in effect for six years unless rescinded by further action by the MSBA Assembly.

No report, recommendation, or other action of any section or committee shall be considered as the action of the MSBA unless and until it has been approved by the Assembly. The President or the President’s designee shall present the report, recommendation, amicus brief, or other action of the MSBA when approved.  No other member or employee may present the report, recommendation, amicus brief or other action of the MSBA without prior authorization from the President (MSBA Bylaws Article 14.2)

The President or President’s designee shall present the position of the MSBA as approved by the Assembly on such legislation and court rules.  The President or President’s designee shall have the authority to agree to and support amendments and substitute legislative proposals which are consistent with position previously adopted by the Assembly.  (MSBA Bylaws Article 13.2)