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Minnesota Legal Ethics. A Treatise.

MSBA eBooks

Authored by William E. Wernz, Minnesota Legal Ethics explores Minnesota-specific legal ethics—and related Rules of Professional Conduct—from every angle, including investigation, prosecution, defense, advice, administration, drafting, writing, and teaching. Other MSBA eBooks include Minnesota Land Use Law, IOLTA accounting guides, and Judges Courtroom Preferences prepared by MSBA’s Civil Litigation Section.

Included with your MSBA membership.



PracticeLaw provides MSBA members with access to a free library of over 2,500 forms, eBooks, videos, checklists, CLE materials, and more. Stay current and connected. The materials in PracticeLaw represent one of Minnesota’s largest collections of resources for lawyers. The members-only site includes legal forms, trust accounting guides, and Jump Start modules for newer lawyers. 

Included with your MSBA membership.