MSBA offers members access to premier legal research services for FREE or with a discount. 


vLex Fastcase

Your MSBA membership provides you with free access to vLex Fastcase, a premier online legal intelligence and research platform. Normally a $1,140 per member annual cost, this exclusive benefit provides unlimited access to one of the largest law libraries in the world. vLex brings you over one billion US and international documents, including case law, statutes, regulations, and legal journals. Its Cert negative citator helps you swiftly identify cases treated unfavorably in subsequent decisions. And its AI case analysis automatically generates header notes and legal issue summaries for quick insights into cases. All this plus seamless integration to Google Chrome and Microsoft Word and research and technical customer service available by phone, email, and chat. 

Included with your MSBA membership.
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SECONDARY SOURCES: For discounts on secondary sources, see Publications

For legal forms, checklists, e-books, visualizations, and other resources included with your MSBA membership, login to PracticeLaw.