Perspective of an Attorney Living Alone during the Pandemic
Weichen Wang
Feb 26, 2021
There are certain perks of being single and living alone during these crazy times. But there are corresponding disadvantages, too, in the form of the loss of day-to-day structure, a larger dose of social isolation, and being more prone to loneliness.
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  • Pandemic Perspectives
Working from Home: From Burnout to Balance
Shuangqi “Joy” Wang
Feb 26, 2021
I never expected to work from home full-time this early in my career. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought enormous changes to our daily lives, and working from home is now my daily routine. While the “WFH” experience has been mostly positive, there have been challenges that allowed me to better understand myself, my work, and the critical link between productivity and wellness.
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  • Pandemic Perspectives
Housing Is Healthcare: How Preventing Evictions Keeps People Alive
Joey Dobson
Feb 26, 2021
Sky-high rents. Nonexistent rental vacancies. Thousands of families being evicted. Record numbers of people forced to sleep on the streets. Shelter bed shortage for those in need. Stark racial disparities in who had access to a healthy and stable home. This was the reality in Hennepin County a year ago. Then came COVID-19.
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  • Housing
  • Pandemic Perspectives
Immigration Detention, Removal Defense, and the Pandemic
Kerry McGuire
Feb 26, 2021
The pandemic has exacerbated the shortcomings and challenges of noncitizens’ removal proceedings (often referred to as “deportation”), and this article will explore those shortcomings and their effects on the individuals involved in the process.
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  • Immigration Law
  • Pandemic Perspectives
Legal Aid Update: Serving Clients During a Pandemic
Jean Lastine
Feb 26, 2021
When the COVID-19 pandemic escalated in March of 2020, Central Minnesota Legal Services (CMLS) began operating as a virtual law office on March 19 after adopting protocols to protect the health and safety of CMLS staff and the people it serves.
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  • Pandemic Perspectives
Post-Pandemic Practice
Debra Bulluck and Eric T. Cooperstein
Feb 26, 2021
When we get to the other side of the pandemic tunnel, remote technologies will continue to play a central role in the judicial system, improving both access to justice and the practice of law.
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  • Pandemic Perspectives
Inside View: The Pandemic as Accelerant
Cresston Gackle
Feb 26, 2021
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  • Hennepin Lawyer
  • Inside View
President's Page: Time is Saved
Esteban A. Rivera
Feb 26, 2021
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  • Hennepin Lawyer
  • President's Page
Ask-A-Lawyer: Work & Wellbeing
Feb 26, 2021
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Valentine's Day in the Fourth District
Hon. William H. Koch
Feb 12, 2021
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Can We Do That?: Answering Questions About Protecting Employee Privacy During a Pandemic
Erin Edgerton, Melissa Hodge, Penny Oleson
Jan 05, 2021
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  • COVID-19
  • Privacy
The Impact of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act on Civilian Oversight of Police
Imani Jaafar and Ryan Patrick
Dec 30, 2020
In this article, we will discuss some of the key areas that are impacted by the Data Practices Act and the challenges it poses to civilian oversight of police.
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  • Privacy
The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act at 46
Ayah Helmy and Bennett C. Rosene
Dec 30, 2020
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  • Privacy
Judge Laura Thomas: New to the Bench
Dorothy Summers
Dec 30, 2020
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  • Judge Bio
Three Pandemic Perspectives
Hon. Bill Koch; Anthony Bushnell; Kristy A. Mara
Dec 30, 2020
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  • COVID-19
Jessica Timmington Lindstrom: 2020-21 New Lawyers Section Chair
Dec 30, 2020
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  • New Lawyers Section
New Lawyers Spotlight: Working from Home
Dec 30, 2020
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  • New Lawyers Section
  • Ask A Lawyer
10 Questions with Sam Hellfeld
Dec 30, 2020
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  • 10 Questions
Professional Development: Atomic Habits
Lisa Buck
Dec 30, 2020
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  • Professional Development
Presidents Page: Community, Equity, Democracy
Esteban A. Rivera
Dec 30, 2020
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Managing Editor
Elsa Cournoyer

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Joseph Satter