Bankruptcy Pro Bono Website: This website is a collaborative effort between the Minnesota State Bar Association, the American College of Bankruptcy, and volunteer attorneys from each bankruptcy district within the Eighth Circuit. The site strives to improve the delivery of legal services to the disadvantaged by providing valuable information and assistance to attorneys doing pro bono work. - Minnesota's Legal Community Serving the Public Good
You may find some additional material or software relating to this area of the law through the following links. Neither the Section nor the MSBA vouches for the accuracy or reliability of any of the materials on any of these pages for any specific purpose, or for the suitability of any software. Mention of particular software products does not indicate any endorsement or approval of the programs. Anyone with a significant question about their legal rights or the law's application to a concrete situation important to them should consult a lawyer.
Bankruptcy Law Resources
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and Rules Internet Bankruptcy Library U.S. Bankruptcy Courts
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Minnesota U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Online Bankruptcy and Insolvency Organizations
American Bankruptcy Institute Commercial Law League of America INSOL International National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Commercial Practice Aids
Best Case Solutions, Inc. Blumberg Excelsior Inc.