Unbundled Legal Services
The MSBA is committed to providing resources, education, and a platform for attorneys to offer unbundled, or limited scope, legal services. While many potential clients can benefit from unbundled, it can be particularly helpful to increase access to justice for low to moderate income Minnesotans who do not qualify for legal aid, but cannot afford a market-rate, traditional attorney.
The MSBA recently presented a CLE on the ethics of unbundled representation, followed by a panel of attorneys who currently have a thriving unbundled practice. You can access that CLE
MN Unbundled Law Project
Provide unbundled or limited scope representation to Minnesota residents in a wide range of practice areas. Clients visit
MNUnbundled.org to complete an online intake form at no cost and are matched with attorneys in their geographical and practice area. Attorneys provide services from advice to limited representation at a cost determined by the attorney, although low-fee options are encouraged. To receive referrals through this program, attorneys must view the
on-demand CLE and register with our
Access to Justice team.
MN Lawyer Referral Information Service
Attorneys can receive curated referrals for unbundled clients as part of the Minnesota Lawyer Referral Information Service (LRIS). LRIS staff screen clients for eligibility, case type, and geographical area and attorneys work with the client to determine what services will be offered unbundled. Visit the
MN LRIS page for more information.
Unbundled Resources
The MSBA has a collection of alternative-fee and unbundled resources to help grow and manage your unbundled practice. Browse our
collection of sample forms, articles, and resources from around the country to learn more about unbundled or take your practice to a new level.