Minnesota Collaborative Justice Project

Organization Mission: To dramatically improve the experiences and outcomes of formerly incarcerated Minnesotans by reducing barriers to successful reentry, including addressing their civil legal needs upon reentry
Pro Bono Program Name: Reentry Justice: Civil Legal Needs Initiative 
Type of opportunity: Direct Services - Research, Administrative 
Population served: Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Approximate time commitment: ~5-10 hours +/- 
About: Many reentering clients need to obtain a valid driver’s license, and some may need to resolve unpaid fines and fees to obtain the license. Pro Bono attorneys help clients navigate this complicated process which can be too large a barrier for many clients to overcome on their own.
Recorded training: Navigating Driver's License Issues Following Reentry - 11/21/19 (Projustice Log-in Required)
Where to go for more info: Email Eve Runyon 
Website: Minnesota Collaborative Justice Initiative | MNCJI
Case Summary: Matter 67.A
Informational Video Clip: Minnesota Collaborative Justice Project 
Can’t volunteer? Get on our mailing list for future opportunities: Email Eve Runyon