Updates: Courts and Legislature

• The MSBA’s petition to amend Minnesota Rule of Civil Procedure 30.02(f), which addresses subpoena notices to organizations and the “meet and confer” requirement, has been adopted by the Court. The changes, which take effect on July 1, will align Minnesota’s rule with recent changes to the corresponding federal rule.

• MSBA President Jennifer Thompson and former President Mike Unger represented the MSBA at the Court’s public hearing in late January on the MSBA petition to amend Rule 7 of the Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct pertaining to attorney advertising. The proposed amendments align with those made to the ABA’s Model Rules with one exception, which is to maintain Minnesota’s current language regarding use of the term “specialist.”

• The MSBA’s petition to amend court rules to facilitate personal leave upon certain triggering events was filed with the Court in February and awaits further action.

• The legislative session is in full swing and the MSBA’s 2022 Legislative Blueprint, which highlights our legislative priorities for the year and provides brief background on our other standing legislative positions, is in the hands of legislators. You can see the blueprint by visiting www.mnbar.org/legislation