2022 Time’s Up is here

The 2022 Time’s Up Manual (formal title: A Manual of the Statutes of Limitations in Minnesota for Civil Litigators) was recently released by the MSBA Civil Litigation Section. The manual identifies and organizes time limits imposed for civil claims in the state. It covers time limitations in the Minnesota Statutes, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, General Rules of Practice in the District Courts, and the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure.

Civil Litigation Section members get a free copy with their membership and can access the digital download by visiting https://bit.ly/2022TIMESUP

Non-section members can purchase a copy at https://bit.ly/Buy2022TIMESUP.

The section greatly appreciates the work of Elizabeth Fors of Robins Kaplan LLP in updating the manual. The section also extends its deep appreciation to the Hon. Marilyn Justman Kaman, who originated and coordinated the project from beginning to completion. Finally, the section recognizes the significant work of the law firm of Robins Kaplan LLP, and specifically Jan Conlin and Stacie Oberts, without whom the project would not have been possible.