Bench + Bar of Minnesota

Coming this month: Legal tech CLEs

Unlock the future of legal technology during October by joining us for a cutting-edge six-session online CLE series brought to you by the MSBA and its Advantage partners. Explore revenue-generating strategies in “Your Lead Gen Playbook;” discover how to turn a hybrid work environment into a competitive advantage; or dive into other exciting topics, such as the latest e-lawyering techniques, a review of Clio’s Legal Trends Report, and a session on selecting case management software that’s right for you. Whether you’re an MSBA member taking these sessions for free or a non-member at $45 per session, this is your chance to learn about new tools that will keep you ahead in the legal tech game. Most sessions begin at noon. Visit for the complete schedule and registration details. 

Steve Perry
(612) 278-6333


Adverting Manager
Erica Nelson
(763) 497-1778


Classified Ads
Jackie Duvall-Smith
(612) 333-1183

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Jennifer Wallace
(612) 278-6311