CLE Calendar

789Navigating the Uncanny Valley | Ethical Considerations for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Law Practice10Mastering the Art of Managing Up with Fringe PDRCBA Law Library Collab | Getting Your Bounce Back - Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty11One Profession - Tenth Judicial District1213
141516Raeder Larson CLE, Reception and Awards Ceremony17Meet the Judges OAH Social 202418Understanding the Basics of Estate Planning for Native EldersCelebration for Retiring Justice Margaret Chutich19Celebration for Retiring Justice Margaret ChutichHCBA Law Library Collab | Cannabis Next Steps- Implementing Minnesota’s Transformative Legislation20Celebration for Retiring Justice Margaret Chutich
2122Sponsor Week | Tax Practice Standards for LawyersSponsor Week | Cellphone Forensics - Applications in Discovery and Investigations23Sponsor Week | AI and Deep Fakes - Navigating the New Frontier in Digital ForensicsInternal and External Investigations - Ethical Issues and the Rules of Professional Conduct: Key issue and StrategiesNew Contract For Deed LegislationSponsor Week | Business ValuationsIntroduction to Minnesota Agricultural Lending Law24Sponsor Week | Guardians of the Digital Gavel - AI Security in Law FirmsSponsor Week | Practical, Effective and Ethical Uses for AI in the Law Firm25Unsecured Farm Credit and Judgments and BankruptcyHow (and Why) to be a 'Civil' Litigator2627
2829Farm Operating & Equipment Loans, Secured Creditors, Repossession, and Farmer-Lender Mediation30Building an Online Legal Practice31Farm Leases, Farm Mortgages, and Contracts for Deed123
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