Environmental Update from the Minnesota Department of Health

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Environmental Health Division plays a criterial role in protecting the health of Minnesota citizens. Its responsibilities are wide and far reaching, covering  air, drinking water, chemical hazard assessment, retail food safety, indoor air quality, radiation, lodging safety including education, licensing and compliance activities. From PFAS to HRLs, from lead paint to food sanitation, the division takes an active role in protecting Minnesota. Join us for a presentation by Environmental Health Division leadership, who will describe what the division does, its current initiatives, future challenges and how it works with its fellow agencies, such as MPCA, DMA, DNR and others.

This CLE is approved for credit through July 7, 2025.

Tom Hogan | Director of Environmental Health Division | Minnesota Department of Health

CLE Credits:
1.0 Standard CLE Credit approved | Event Code: 488046

MSBA Members:  $29.95
Non-MSBA Members:  $64.95



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