Strategies to Reduce or Retain Assets to Obtain Medical Assistance Benefits

Navigating eligibility for Medical Assistance can be confusing and frustrating.  As advocates, we are often tasked with providing the best strategies for clients to maximize the assets they are allowed to keep and still obtain eligibility for Medical Assistance benefits.

In this CLE we will:

1. Review methods for clients to reduce assets to obtain financial eligibility for Medical Assistance and learn strategies that increase financial security for the community spouse

2. Detail the difference between permissible and impermissible asset transfers

3. Discuss scenarios when spouses can retain additional, income producing assets and how to advocate for your clients through the application process.

This CLE is approved for credit through April 16, 2025.

Kari R. Shogren | Paralegal-Northwoods Law Group, P.A.
Attorney Brenna M. Galvin | Maser, Amundson, Boggio, P.A.

CLE Credits:
1.0 Standard CLE Credit approved | Event Code: 483779

MSBA Members:  $29.95
Non-MSBA Members:  $64.95



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