October practicelaw Conference

practicelaw conference. October 1 - 31, 2020. A team of individuals are working to build something out of large play blocks.


We're here to BUILD...build relationships, build your practice, build documents and applications...

This October, MSBA is hosting the virtual practicelaw conference. Register and choose from over 40 CLE Credits in three tracks. Can’t make the live event? No worries. We’re recording sessions for live and on-demand replay.


  • MSBA Members: $99.00 (Login to see your rate)
  • Non-Members: $495.00
  • Students: $15.00
  • Developers: $75.00 - What's required? Sign up for the Intro to practicelaw Development session. In this session we'll talk about how to use the developers' community to collaborate on the development of resources for the practicelaw library. It's fun. We promise.  Use campaign code PLAWDEV when you register. Discount available to MSBA members only.

What is practicelaw?

MSBA’s practicelaw library is a resource developed by members for members. Contributions from members include sample pleadings, visualizations, forms, and more. practicelaw contributors are helping members meet the challenges of a 21st Century legal practice. The pracitcelaw conference includes three tracks, one for each leg of the Delta Model:

  • LEGAL/TECH | Build your practice: Legal writing and research techniques from folks like Liz Reppe (Minnesota State Law Library) and Faris Rashid and Aaron Knoll (Greene Espel). Get a grip on data analytics, document assembly, and artificial intelligence with folks like Vlad Eidelman (Fiscal Note) and Damien Riehl (Fastcase).
  • BUSINESS OPERATIONS | Build your business: Learn to think like an entrepreneur with Terri Krivosha (Maslon). See how attorneys are automating their work product for fun and profit. Manjeet Rege (University of St. Thomas) will show us how to read data visualizations…and, more.
  • PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS | Build relationships: Plenty of on-demand and live programming covering effective communications strategies as well as strategies for managing one’s wellbeing in stressful times. We’ll hear from Leanne Fuith (Mitchell Hamline), Karin Ciano (Karin Ciano Law), and others.


Alyson Carrel is faculty at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, teaching through the nationally-ranked Center on Negotiation and Mediation. For the past two years, she led the law school's legal technology & innovation initiatives as the Assistant Dean of Law & Technology. In these roles, she received a grant to purchase wearable cameras for my negotiation simulation courses, a fellowship to integrate the A2J Author platform in my mediation advocacy clinic, and launched TEaCH LAW, a demonstration series for instructional technology. Today, as part of a small working group of individuals from Thomson Reuters, Michigan State, Suffolk, and Vanderbilt law schools, she is developing a new client-driven lawyering model for the 21st century that recognizes the importance of technology fluency and emotional intelligence in the delivery of legal services—the Delta Model.

Roundtables and Workshops

  • Chat with colleagues about business, marketing, and practice strategies. You can even form your own sessions.

Games and Social Events

  • Minecraft Build Competition
  • Networking and Informational Roundtables
  • Sign up for your LinkedIn Audit with Red Fox Social
  • Form Builder. Help us build a Commercial Lease Agreement Tool or send us your recommendation for a new build.



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