The Fourteenth Amendment and the 2024 Presidential Election | Can the Insurrection Clause Keep Donald Trump off the Ballot?

Some argue that the Insurrection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment can be used to keep Donald Trump off the presidential ballot because of his alleged role in the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Cases have been filed in Colorado and Minnesota for that purpose, with the Minnesota Supreme Court hearing a case on November 2, 2023. This CLE examines this issue. It explains what the Insurrection clause is, whether it applies today, and what are the legal and political hurdles surrounding the use of part of the Fourteenth Amendment to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot. The CLE will be a discussion format addressing issues of interpreting the Fourteenth Amendment, standing, jurisdiction, and other legal and political issues implicated by the use of the Insurrection clause.

This CLE is approved for credit through November 8, 2025.

Professor Jason Marisam | Mitchell Hamline College of Law | Associate Professor of Law
Professor David Schultz | Hamline University | Distinguished University Professor of Political Science and Legal Studies

CLE Credits:
1.0 Standard CLE Credit approved | Event Code:  494748

MSBA Members:  $29.95
Non-MSBA Members:  $64.95



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