Help us update PracticeLaw

One benefit of MSBA membership is access to PracticeLaw, an online library filled with legal forms in a variety of practice areas, practice management resources and videos, as well as eBooks, like Minnesota Title Standards and Minnesota Legal Ethics. Currently, practicelaw contains over 2,400 resources.

MSBA is in the process of auditing the resources in practicelaw to determine which ones need to be updated or archived and removed. During the audit, we are also rethinking the organization of PracticeLaw, examining ways to streamline the experience and make resources easier for members to find. In addition, we’re looking for gaps in the resources offered. If there are resources you use in PracticeLaw that need to be updated or resources you would like to see added, please get in touch with Legal Technologist Mary Warner (mwarner@mnbars.org).