Bench + Bar of Minnesota

New MSBA Strategic Plan adopted

This year the MSBA Board of Governors was tasked with drafting a new three-year strategic plan for 2024-2027. The board reviewed each area of the previous strategic plan and discussed changes and improvements for the new plan, which was adopted at the June MSBA Assembly meeting. The plan is broken up into three areas:

1. Serving and engaging MSBA members

a. Connecting members to the value of the profession.
b. Cultivating a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment.
c. Addressing the distinct needs of lawyers throughout the state.
d. Providing unique, customized practice-related tools and services.
e. advocating for the core values of the profession.

2. Leadership role of the association

a. Improve the practice and administration of the law through legislative, judicial, and regulatory reform.
b. Eliminate barriers for the public to obtain necessary legal resources.
c. Leverage the voice and commitment of MSBA members to the fair and equitable administration of justice for all.

3. Operation of the association

a. Ensure the sustainability of financial, volunteer, and staff resources.
b. Incorporate equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our work.
c. Sustain mutually beneficial relationships with our partners, related organizations, and affinity bar associations.
d. Support and integrate Sections into the strategic framework.

Each section of the plan identifies corresponding strategic priority areas, supporting programs and activities, and the staff and boards responsible for carrying out the plan. 

Steve Perry
(612) 278-6333


Adverting Manager
Erica Nelson
(763) 497-1778


Classified Ads
Jackie Duvall-Smith
(612) 333-1183

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Jennifer Wallace
(612) 278-6311