Public Utilities Law Section

2023 - 2024 Section Council

Governing Council

Riley Conlin | Fredrikson & Byron PA (Minneapolis)

Jeffrey Boman | Minnesota Attorney Generals Office

Secretary Treasurer
Peter Madsen | Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP (Minneapolis)

Past Chair
Benjamin Gerber | Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS)

David Moeller | ALLETE Inc
Michael Remington | Xcel Energy | member
Micah Revell | Stinson LLP (Minneapolis)
Michael Schowalter | Fresh Energy
Jackson Evans | MISO Energy
Elizabeth Schmiesing | Winthrop & Weinstine PA

Law Student Liaison
Jared Munster | Law Student Liaison - MHSL

Section Bylaws
Click here to view the section's bylaws.

Section Manager
Tram Nguyen