Whether it is through hours of service or financial support, these individuals are building a stronger Minnesota by making sure everyone gets an equal chance at justice. Looking to join them? Check out the Pro Bono Opportunities listings below, visit projusticemn.org for a full listing, or fill out our pro bono interest form today to get some help from MSBA staff to find the right opportunity.

Jeff Sheridan

Legal Assistance of Dakota County Donor

Jeff Jeff Sheridan3is a 1987 graduate of Hamline University School of Law and practices criminal law at his firm, Sheridan & Dulas, in Eagan, MN. He chooses to support his local civil legal aid program, Legal Assistance of Dakota County.

Early in his career, Jeff practiced family law and volunteered his time to help people with family law problems who could not afford an attorney. As his practice transitioned into criminal law, he realized that his client’s cases were slowing down because of pro se civil cases eating up judicial time and resources. A poorly handled divorce can easily end up back in the courthouse eating up much more judicial resources than a well-handled divorce.

Jeff knows that if Legal Assistance of Dakota County was handling more divorce cases in the county, his client’s cases could move through the courthouse faster. Because Jeff sees this value that civil legal aid gives to the entire judicial system, he regularly donates, and he always encourages others to do the same.