
The Assembly has 132 positions, determined as follows:

  • 20 members of the Board of Governors (which includes four officers)
  • 45 representatives from district bar associations
  • 14 representatives from affiliated affinity bar associations
  • 6 representatives from affiliated organizations
  • 2 representatives from Minnesota appellate courts
  • 3 representatives from Minnesota law schools
  • 2 representatives from ABA delegation
  • 37 representatives from Sections
  • Immediate Past President
  • Minnesota CLE Board Chair
  • Member of the Board of the Minnesota State Bar Foundation
2023-2024 MSBA Assembly List

For current address listings, visit the MSBA's online membership directory.

The Assembly formulates the policy positions of the MSBA.  Its specific functions include:  governance, legislative activities, policy, and elections/appointments.

Much of the work of the Assembly flows through five Assembly Committees:

  • Elections/Appointments - Study and make recommendations related to the election of officers, representatives to the Board of Governors, Minnesota State Bar Foundation Board members, and nominees to outside boards.
  • General Policy - Study and make recommendations related to MSBA positions on public policy; petitions to the court regarding the operation of the courts and the regulation of the practice of law; referendum of the MSBA membership; and reports of MSBA sections and committees.
  • Governance - Study and make recommendations relating to sections, affiliated organizations, standing and ad hoc committees as well as new Assembly committees.
  • Judiciary - To study; to educate the public, the bar and legislators; and to recommend and help implement action by the MSBA regarding the preservation of a fair and impartial judiciary.
  • Legislative - Study and make recommendations related to legislative and lobbying priorities, and approve requests to establish official MSBA positions.
It is the policy of the MSBA to encourage sections, committees, districts and other organizations to bring issues that have a substantial bearing on the legal profession to the Assembly for consideration.  Groups interested in placing an item on the Assembly agenda must submit items to MSBA Staff approximately 45 days prior to each meeting. See the Master Calendar for specific deadlines.  Meeting notices and agendas will be available 30 days prior to each meeting. The agenda is set by the Board of Governors and distributed electronically, along with background materials, to each Assembly member two weeks prior to each meeting.

Assembly Conflicts Policy (adopted April 2013)