program will cover the following topics:
• The speakers will
consider how lawyers from a different national origin and culture are selected
or not selected by clients because of client assumptions on how well we know the
U.S. legal system and can or cannot complete the job;
• How immigrant lawyers
use their own personal immigration story to support an understanding of
immigrant clients’ needs – not only for immigration law matters but also in
other legal matters like business ownership, employment law, or family
law/domestic relations;
• How immigrant lawyers are perceived by judges and
colleagues in the profession and how bias can creep into attitudes of competence
towards immigrant attorneys because of English spoken with accents;
• How
there are positives and negatives associated with clients from the same national
origin select immigrant attorneys because of a shared cultural/ethnic
• How immigrant attorneys are able to use their life experience and
language skills to differentiate themselves from native-born attorneys for
business development;
• How immigrant attorneys interact with clients of
various nationalities and the logistics and complications of translators and
interpreters in client relationships, and how those issues impact the
administration of justice;
• How immigrant attorneys deal with gender
considerations, that is, male clients who are uncertain and/or uncomfortable
with representation by women; and female clients who may face cultural barriers
and ethnic traditions in speaking freely with men, including a male
attorney. In the immigration law context this might include pursuing
claims about gender violence.
In addition to the above, the panel will
consider the impact of their immigrant status and history as it relates to the
Supreme Court’s Race Bias and Gender Fairness Task Force Reports, including as
noted above how speaking with an accent might be viewed prejudicially in
connection with the administration of
It is noted that immigrant
attorneys are also often representing clients in underserved areas as well as
people of diverse backgrounds and cultures where client attitudes towards the
justice system may be based on other contexts.
This CLE is
approved for credit through May 23,
Soledad Bardelli | Associate
Attorney | Revilla Law Firm, P.A.
Juventino Meza |
Co-founder | Unidos MN
Renate Sharp | Founder and President
| European Christmas
CLE Credits:
1.0 Elimination of Bias CLE Credit approved |
Event Code: 507291
MSBA Members: $29.95
Members: $64.95