Access to Justice Committee

ATJC Join Chart

Who We Are

The ATJ Committee is dedicated to advancing solutions that help all people, and particularly people with lower incomes or limited access to legal assistance, obtain the legal help and resources they need to receive equal justice. 

We do this work by convening a wide range of attorneys, experts and leaders representing all sectors of the legal community from across Minnesota to share information and best practices, advance initiatives that increase access to justice, advocate for policy changes, and develop resources to support and communicate the importance and value of pro bono and civil legal aid work.  

What We Do

The ATJ Committee conducts its work primarily through affiliated ATJ Subcommittees:

Becker Award Subcommittee
Civil Justice Subcommittee  (a subcommittee of the Minnesota Judicial Branch’s Committee on Equality and Justice) 
Policy Subcommittee
Pro Bono Council 
Resource Development Subcommittee

Meeting Schedule

The committee meets five times per year from 8:30 - 9:45 AM. 

Tuesday, September 26th   
Tuesday, November 14th   
Tuesday, January 23rd  
Tuesday, March 19th    
Tuesday, May 21st   

Subcommittee meetings are held during the alternating months. 

Leadership & Staffing

The ATJ Steering Committee, consisting of two co-chairs and the chair of each subcommittee, acts as a leadership team and guides the committee’s overall work.  Committee members work closely with MSBA staff members.

Co-Chairs 2023-24
Veena Iyer, Executive Director, Immigrant Law Center
Kiri Somermeyer, Executive Director, Corporate Institute, Business Law Clinic, University of Minnesota Law School

Staff Liaison
Katy Drahos, Access to Justice Director | | 612-278-6330